cooooooooooooooo eeeeeeeeeeeeee
I am featured in an article in
LET'S KNIT Magazine
Issue 102 February 2016
Issue 102 February 2016
meeeeeeeeeeee SingularOne along with Julie Whitehead of
A Woolly Tail
So thrilled :-))))))))))))))))
So thrilled :-))))))))))))))))
The 'Lollipop Shawl' featured in Let's Knit Magazine
An in depth article about our partnership - SingularOne with A Woolly Tail
How it started - why we got together and how we spark each other off with all sorts ideas and what fun we have together.
Long telephone conversations ............. lots laughter .............. and best of all ..... the great ideas we come up with.
A real coming together of two great minds thinking alike - did I say we both used to be professional archaeologists!
A great partnership of wool supplier and designer working together for fun crochet designs with a fun twist - so watch this space for new designs as they roll off our hooks ....................
You can see the full article on Let's Knit Blog
Let's Knit Magazine
The 'Lollo Rosso' Shawls featured in the magazine - these shawls are proving popular girls!!
Swizzle Stix Hats
And last but not least the Swizzle Stix hats in 2, 3 and multi colour options!
In Wendy Supreme Luxury Cotton and Robin Crepe - all T B Ramsden wools
Oh and of course you can get very reasonable priced kits of all these items (Yarn + Free Pattern) , exclusively from Julie at